National Dahlia Society’s Dave Gillam explains how to grow the best dahlias

Many dahlias growing in a garden.

Dave Gillam is vice-chair of the National Dahlia Society. He’s been a dahlia exhibitor for over 38 years winning 4 National Best Exhibits in Show in the last 10 years.

He’s an expert on growing dahlias and is based at the Abercorn Plant and Garden Centre in Chelmsford, Essex.

When have you grown dahlias and what has been your experience, – post a comment below and tell us more >>>

Dave says for rooting: “A good growing tip: is a pair of leaves and the node remaining, just above where we’ve cut it from the tuba. Then about a 50/50 mix, I normally use perlite and a purpose compost mixed together. Then its about getting enough air, without getting too humid – finding a balance with the environment you’ve got.”

Follow Dave’s efforts on YouTube @DaveGillamDahlias.

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