Sycamore Saplings
Q: Hello Ken, I have a sycamore tree opposite my house and its ‘seeds’ can fall onto my front garden. I also have a lot of Japanese anemones, which I’m fond of. I’ve been weeding and find it difficult to tell which seedlings are sycamore and which are the anemones. Is there a sure way of deciding please? I’ve looked on the internet but they still look a bit like each other. I would love to visit your garden centre. I used to bring my hubby to your previous centre but, unfortunately, he passed away last year. Hence the need for your advice please. Kind regards, Valerie
A: Dear Valerie, I no longer have a garden centre as we sold up in 2006. I’m afraid the only advice is to wait for the seedlings to grow big enough to tell them apart before weeding the syacmores out.
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